Thursday, December 13, 2007

Welcome to our Journey

Hello Family and Friends,

Wow I think that I need a class on blogging. This is my first blog so any suggestion please let me know.

Tom and I would like to share with you our decision to adopt a little boy from Ethiopia. God starting speaking to us about adoption about 1.5 years ago. So finally in June of 2007 we obeyed His calling and decided that we would adopt from Ethiopia. We feel that God has shaped our family for this adventure and are looking forward to meeting our little man.

So far during this process people have asked us a lot of questions so I will try and answer some of them for you in this first entry.

1) Why did you choose Ethiopia? We chose Ethiopia because we were amazed at the poverty level and the amount of orphans in this country. The time frame for adoption in this country is shorter than a lot of other places. Also Tom grandparents served in the peace corp, so there was a little connection for us. The girls have always been drawn to people from Africa. Kenzie had a friend in the first grade that came from Sudan who spoke no English and Kenzie helped her learn English and they have become very close friends. Deanna loves to help children who are under privileged , and Alli loves everyone.

2)How long does it take until he comes home? Well we are not really sure at this point. We decided to adopt in June, turned in our application in early August, then started preparing for our home study. Our home study was done on November 17 and we sent the official home to our agency in early December. We are now waiting for our appointment with the immigration agency for our fingerprints. It is estimated that we should be going the Ethiopia sometime in May or June.

If you have any question please feel free to ask and I will try to answer them.

Please join us and our children on this incredible journey as we walk in faith to bring little Caleb home.


DaddyNeutron said...

What a fantastic Journey! Caleb will be blessed to live with four gorgeous women and you too Tom. Praying for you...look forward to additional information.

Pastor Myron said...

Tom, Leanne, Deanna, Kenzie, & Alli,

Caleb is a blessed young man to had the Lord choose you to be his family. Praise the Lord for his work in your lives that led you to adopt Caleb. The process of adoption has powerful Biblical roots in that all who believe become God's adopted children. We rejoice with you in the adoption process as you ready yourselves to receive the joyful blessing God has fearfully and wonderfully formed for you and will "knit" into your family. MWP

Ray said...

A big congratulations to you, and God bless you as you go down this road. It'll be an adventure no doubt!

Anonymous said...

YAY I am sooo excited for your family! Caleb is alucky boy - you and Tom are are so wunnuful, and he couldn't ask for better sisters. Praise God! The Lord has been and will definately stil be at work in your guys' lives and in Calebs. I love you all; can't wait to meet the newest Wade. =] WOO.

GrandDad W said...

Caleb you have a strong Bibical name and we share the same first inital. Tom do you still have the drum from Ethiopia? I tell the story of how Tom's Grand Parents went to Ethiopia with the Peace Corp. Victor had just retired from Boeing and would be content stoking the wood fire of his Franklin Stove. But Gertude was thing "travel". Victor said "I be right here when you get back". The Gertude did not get a green light from the Peace Corp but they said "If you can convince Victor (who had been a High School Shop Teacher before join Boeing and also spoke Italian) to enlist we will find a place for you as well. Victor left his wood fire and took up teaching shop once again. Gertude taught typewriting (that's an old technology still used in the 1970's) God bless you all, Merry Christmas.

Melissa said...

Hello our friends! It is so amazing how God is working to bring Caleb home to you all! It is beyond exciting to think that sometime this year we will all get to meet the son that God has planned for you since the beginnning. Thank you for letting us share in the joy of this journey with you!! WE LOVE YOU ALL!
~ Hal, Melissa, Robert & Audrey